Memorization tricks

Environmental Issues
- Having a hard time to remember? Go through the section and get the know-how of topics at your finger tips!
Environment Conservation Laws
Remembering the dates on major environmental conventions and the establishment of laws could be a bit hard for some people. With the help of this table, let us try to memorize the major years, which will come in handy during exams. It is arranged in order from oldest to newest so that it can be memorized easier.

Greenhouse Gases
The gases responsible for the greenhouse effect on earth are called greenhouse gases. The rise in their abundance in the atmosphere is posing a huge threat to life. Hence, it is important to learn about them.
The 4 major greenhouse gases are Carbon dioxide, Methane, Chlorofluorocarbon and Nitrous oxide. Let us use a mnemonic to remember these four gases.
Can Mars be Colonized Now?

Biomagnification is the process by which the concentration of a toxic substance gets accumulated in the body of organisms as going up the food chain.
Eutrophication is a common threat faced by the aquatic ecosystem. It is caused by the runoff of fertilizers and various chemicals used on land. The steps leading up to this can be a bit difficult for us to understand. This illustration might help you understand the steps easily.