- I want to deliver a bit more into this particular topic because the answer is not as simple as yes you have to do it and no you don't have to do it .
- The answer actually somewhere in the middle and for that i actually have to go into the history of examination in order to explain you.
Why it's important to do physics inside and how should you actually approach NCERT or physics. (Post 2022)

- Exam has been just been NEET and its physics level is very very low.
- NCERT has two parts the theoretical part and the the back exercises which are essentially the numericals.
- So now the theoretical part of the NCERT the theoretical part of the NCERT used to cover as far as 2022 is concerned NTA has proved to you that they can ask you assertion and reasons. So the theoretical part of NCERT, you have to do. There's no doubt that you have to do the theoretical part, the statements that they have written in NCERT because a potential ASSERTION reason question can come from there and obviously you won't be able to solve it if you have not done NCERT thoroughly so the theory part of physics obviously.
- Now coming to the mcqs and numerical. The numericals that are given in the back exercise of NCERT are tough.
- Additional exercises are extremely tough way beyond the level of NEET in fact such questions usually come in jeE advanced.
- So these mcqs and the numericals that are given at the end of NCERT are not as important.
- As far as NEET is concerned so your practice should be done of previous year questions of physics which are not that tough.
- it's more prudent to solve previously question and lower level physics question and be more proficient in solving them rather than wasting time on such high level of physics question.