Home MCQs NEET MCQ QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER KEY (CLASS-XI) NEET MCQ QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER KEY (CLASS-XI) Ruhul Amin Alig NEET MCQ QUESTIONS WITH ANSWER KEY (CLASS-XI)Chapter-01 Living WorldChapter-02 Biological ClassificationChapter-03 Plant KingdomChapter-04 Animal kingdomChapter-05 Morphology in Flowering PlantsChapter-06 Anatomy of Flowering PlantsChapter-07 Structural Organisation in AnimalsChapter-08 Cell-the unit of lifeChapter-09 BiomoleculesChapter-10 Cell cycle & Cell divisionChapter-11 Transport in plantsChapter-12 Mineral NutritionChapter-13- PhotosynthesisChapter-14 Respiration in plantsChapter-15 Plant growth and developmentChapter-16 Breathing and exchange of gasesChapter-17 Digestion and AbsorptionChapter-18 Body Fluids and CirculationChapter-19 Excretory Products and their eliminationChapter-20 Locomotion and MovementsChapter-21 Neural control and coordinationChapter-22 Chemical coordination and integration Tags Easy MCQs BiologyMCQs Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Newer OlderIn which of the following, all listed genera belong to the same class of Algae? (a) Chara, Fucus, Polysiphonia (b) Volvox, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas (c) Porphyra, Ectocarpus, Ulothrix (d) Sargassum, Laminaria, Gracillaria