Home Class 11 | Physics | chapter 1 | Appendices/Basics If vectors → A = cosωt ˆ i + sinωt ˆ j A→=cosωti^+sinωtj^ and → B = cos ωt 2 ˆ i + sin ωt 2 ˆ j B→=cos ωt2i^+sin ωt2j^ are functions of time, then the value of t at which they are orthogonal to each other If vectors → A = cosωt ˆ i + sinωt ˆ j A→=cosωti^+sinωtj^ and → B = cos ωt 2 ˆ i + sin ωt 2 ˆ j B→=cos ωt2i^+sin ωt2j^ are functions of time, then the value of t at which they are orthogonal to each other Ruhul Amin Alig From NCERT NEET - 2015If vectors →A=cosωtˆi+sinωtˆjA→=cosωti^+sinωtj^ and →B=cos ωt2ˆi+sin ωt2ˆjB→=cos ωt2i^+sin ωt2j^ are functions of time, then the value of t at which they are orthogonal to each other?1. t=π4ωt=π4ω2. t=π2ωt=π2ω3. t=πωt=πω4. t=0t=0 Tags Class 11 | Physics | chapter 1 | Appendices/Basics Facebook Twitter Whatsapp Newer Older