Question. From NCERT
Which of the following does not shift the oxy-haemoglobin dissociation curve to the right?
1. increased pH
2. increased carbon dioxide
3. increased temperature
4. increased 2,3 -DPG
Question. From NCERT
The oxygen - haemoglobin dissociation curve will show a right shift in case of
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following is entirely made of cartilage?
1. Nasal septum
2. Larynx
3. Glottis
4. Trachea
Question. From NCERT
Trachea divides into two right and left primary bronchi at the level of:
1. Seventh cervical vertebra
2. Third thoracic vertebra
3. Fifth thoracic vertebra
4. Seventh thoracic vertebra
Question. From NCERT
The partial pressure of oxygen is equal in
1. Atmospheric air and Alveoli
2. Alveoli and Oxygenated blood
3. Alveoli and Deoxygenated blood
4. Deoxygenated blood and Tissues
Question. From NCERT
A center that moderates the functions of the respiratory rhythm center is located in:
1. Dorsal medulla oblongata
2. Ventral medulla oblongata
3. Pons Varolii
4. Pre central gyrus of the cerebrum
Question. From NCERT
Pneumotaxic centre which can moderate the functions of the respiratory rhythm centre is present at:
1. Pons region of brain
2. Thalamus
3. Spinal cord
4. Right cerebral hemisphere
Question. From NCERT
The following statements refer to gas carriage by the blood. Choose the correct statement:
1. After leaving the lungs, each litre of blood contains about 20 ml of oxygen.
2. Haemoglobin is half saturated with oxygen when the PO2 is about 30 mm Hg
3. As the PCO2 rises, the affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen is increased.
4. Each litre of arterial blood contains about 50 mL of carbon dioxide
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2016
Reduction in pH of blood will
(1) reduce the blood supply to the brain
(2) decrease the affinity of hemoglobin with oxygen
(3) release bicarbonate ions by the liver
(4) reduce the rate of heart beat
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2016
Name the chronic respiratory disorder caused mainly by cigarette smoking
1. asthma
2. respiratofy acidosis
3. respiratory alkalosis
4. emphysema
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2013
The figure shows a diagrammatic view of human respiratory system with labels A, B, C
and D. Select the option, which gives correct identification and main function and/or
1. A-trachea-long tube supported by complete cartilaginous rings for conducting
inspired air
2. B-pleural membrane-surround ribs on both sides to provide cushion against rubbing
3. C-alveoli-thin walled vascular bag-like structures for exchange of gases
4. D-lower end of lungs-diaphragm pulls it down during inspiration
Question.NEET - 2012From NCERT
Which one of the following is the correct statement for respiration in humans?
1. Cigarette smoking may not lead to inflammation of bronchi
2. Neural signals from pneumotoxic centre in pons region of brain can increase the
duration of inspiration
3. Workers in grinding and stone breaking industries may suffer, from lung fibrosis
4. About 90% of carbon dioxide () is carried by haemoglobin as carbamino
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2010
What is true about RBCs in humans?
1. They carry about 20-25 per cent of CO2
2. They transport 99.5 per cent of O2
3. They transport about 80 per cent oxygen only and the rest 20 per cent of it is
transported in dissolved state in blood plasma
4. They do not carry CO2 at all
Question. From NCERT AIIMS - 2001
The respiratory centre in the brain is stimulated by
1. CO2 concentration in venous blood
2. O2 concentration in artery blood
3. CO2 concentration in artery blood
4. O2 concentration in venous blood.
Question. From NCERT AIIMS - 2009
Respiration is controlled by
1. medulla oblongata
2. cerebellum
3. hypothalamus
4. cerebrum
Question. From NCERT AIIMS - 2010
Chemosensitive area of respiratory centre medulla is affected by
1. less CO2 and H+ ions
2. less O2 and H+ ions
3. excess CO2 and H+ ions
4. excess O2 and H+ ions.
Question. From NCERT AIIMS - 2013
Carbon dioxide (CO2) diffuses into blood from tissue site and passes to alveolar site in the form of
1. bicarbonate; 70%
2. bicarbonate; 20 - 25%
3. carbaminohaemoglobin; 60 - 70%
4. carbaminohaemoglobin; 7%.
Question. From NCERT
How many of the following invertebrates exchange O2 with CO2 by simple diffusion
(Sponges, Coelenterates, flatworms, Annelida, Arthropoda, Mollusca, Pisces,)
1. 6
2. 5
3. 4
4. 3
Question. From NCERT
Frogs respire through
1. Skin
2. lungs
3. buccal cavity
4. All of these
Question. From NCERT
The mechanism of breathing depends on animal’s
1. habitat
2. level of organisation
3. Both A and B
4. Body segmentation
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following is true about epiglottis
1. thin elastic cartilaginous flap
2. prevent food entry into larynx
3. Coughing occurs due to its improper movement
4. All of these
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following comprise the lungs
1. tracheae along with network of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
2. network of bronchi, bronchioles and alveoli
3. alveoli only
4. Both A and B
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following constitute the exchanging part of the respiratory system
1. external nostrils to trachea
2. external nostrils to primary bronchioles
3. Respiratory bronchioles to alveoli
4. external nostrils to terminal bronchioles
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following constitute the conduction part of the respiratory system
1. external nostrils to trachea
2. external nostrils to primary bronchioles
3. Respiratory bronchioles to alveoli
4. external nostrils to terminal bronchioles
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following is the part of the thoracic chamber
1. ribs and vertebral column
2. diaphragm
3. sternum
4. All of these
Question. From NCERT
Which of the following is true for expiration except
(1) thoracic chamber volume reduces
(2)Diaphragm contracts
(3)pulmonary volume decreases
(4)All of these
Question. From NCERT
The volume of air involved in breathing movements can be estimated by using
1. ECG
2. Sphygmomanometer
3. spirometer
4. Barometer
Question. From NCERT
The partial pressure of CO2 is minimum in the
1. atmospheric air
2. Alveoli
3. Deoxygenated blood
4. Oxygenated blood
Question. From NCERT
An increase from pH 7.2 to pH 7.4 around hemoglobin causes
1. hemoglobin to release all bound oxygen molecules.
2. an increase in the affinity of hemoglobin to bind oxygen molecules.
3. hemoglobin to denature.
4. an increase in the binding of H+ by hemoglobin.
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2019
Tidal Volume and Expiratory Reserve Volume of an athlete is 500 mL and 1000 mL respectively. What will be his Expiratory Capacity if the Residual Volume is 1200 mL?
1. 2700 mL
2. 1500 mL
3. 1700 mL
4. 2200 mL
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2019
The maximum volume of air a person can breathe in after a forced expiration is known as :
1. Expiratory Capacity
2. Vital Capacity
3. Inspiratory Capacity
4. Total Lung Capacity
Question. From NCERT
______ temperature will shift the Oxyhaemoglobin dissociation Curve to _____side,
1. lower, left
2. higher, right
3. lower, right
4. Both A and B
Question. From NCERT
Carbonic anhydrase is present in
1. R.B.C
2. Plasma
3. Both A and B
4. Tissues
Question. From NCERT
Respiratory rhythm Centre is present in the
1. forebrain
2. midbrain
3. Hindbrain
4. Diencephalon
Question. From NCERT
Consider the characters of a respiratory control center in humans:
I. It is located in pons
II. It moderates the functions of respiratory rhythm center
III. Its absence results in an increase in depth of respiration
The respiratory control center is:
1. Pneumotaxic center
2. Apneustic center
3. Chemosensitive zone
4. Dorsal group
Question. From NCERT AIPMT - 2011
The figure given below shows a small part of human lung where exchange of gas takes place. In which one of the options given below, the one part A, B C or D is correctly identified along with its function.
1. A – Alveolar – main site of exchange of respiratory gases
2. D – Capillary wall – exchange of and take place here
3. B – Red blood cell – transport of mainly
4. – Arterial capillary – passes oxygen to tissues
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2020
Select the correct events that occur during inspiration.
(a) Contraction of diaphragm
(b) Contraction of external inter-costal muscles
(c) Pulmonary volume decreases
(d) Intra pulmonary pressure increases
(1) (c) and (d)
(2) (a), (b) and (d)
(3) only (d)
(4) (a) and (b)
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2020
The Total Lung Capacity (TLC) is the total volume of air accommodated in the lungs at the end of forced inspiration. This includes :
1. RV; IC (Inspiratory Capacity); EC (Expiratory Capacity); and ERV
2. RV; ERV; IC and EC
3. RV; ERV; VC (Vital Capacity) and FRC (Functional Residual Capacity)
4. RV (Residual Volume); ERV (Expiratory Reserve Volume); TV (Tidal Volume); and IRV (Inspiratory Reserve Volume
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2021
Select the favorable conditions required for the formation of oxyhemoglobin at the alveoli.
1. High pO2, high pCO2, less H+, higher temperature
2. Low pO2, low pCO2, more H+, higher temperature
3. High pO2, low pCO2, less H+, lower temperature
4. Low pO2 high pCO2 more H+, higher temperature
Question. From NCERT NEET - 2020
Match the following columns and select the correct option :
Column - I Column - II
(a) Pneumotaxic Centre (i) Alveoli
(b) Dissociation curve (ii) Pons region of the brain
(c) Carbonic Anhydrase (iii) Haemoglobin
(d) Primary site of exchange (iv) R.B.C.
of gases
1. (a)-(i), (b)-(iii), (c)-(ii), (d)-(iv)
2. (a)-(ii), (b)-(iii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
3. (a)-(iii), (b)-(ii), (c)-(iv), (d)-(i)
4. (a)-(iv), (b)-(i), (c)-(iii), (d)-(ii)