In this post, we will learn the complete periodic table in Hindi by using easy to remember rhymes.
When the elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic number, it is observed that elements of similar properties recur at regular intervals or periodically.
This arrangement of elements is represented by the table known as the periodic table. Today we will learn a complete periodic table in Hindi blockwise.

Here are some tricks which will definitely help you to learn the periodic table in Hindi :
1. For s-Block elements:
(i) First Group { H to Fr }H, Li, Na, K, Rb, Cs, Fr
- Hamari(H) Lina(Li ,Na) ki(K) Rab(Rb) se(Cs) Fariyaad(Fr)
- Hamari(H) Lina(Li, Na) kabr(K, Rb) se(Cs) Farar(Fr)
- Hae(H) Lela(Li) Ne(Na) kesi(K) Roti(Rb) Cbsi(Cs) Fry(Fr)
(ii) Second Group{ Be to Ra} Be, Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba, Ra
- Beta(Be) Mange(Mg) Car(Ca) Scooter (Sr) Baap(Ba) Roe(Ra)
- Beta(Be) Mange(Mg) Kanya(Ca) Sunder(Sr) Baap(Ba) Raaji(Ra)
2. For p-Block Elements:
(i) Group 13{ B to Tl } B, Al, Ga, In, Tl
- BeAl( B, Al) Gai(Ga) in(In) tabela(Tl)
- Bring (B) Aloo(Al) gajar(Ga) in(In) thali(Tl)
- Ball( B, Al) Gangadhar(Ga) in(In) thiland(Tl)
(ii) Group 14 { C to P } C, Si, Ge, Sn, Pb
- kashi(C, Si) Gae(Ge) Sunn(Sn) Pade(Pb)
- Chale(C) Shiv(Si) Gi(Ge) Sang(Sn) Parbati(Pb)
- karan(C) Sita(Si) Gae(Ge) Samundar(Sn) Par(Pb)
(iii) Group 15 { N to Bi } N, P, As, Sb, Bi
- Nikhil (N) paas(P ,As) sab(Sb) Bindaas(Bi)
- Nepal(N) Pakistan(P) Australia(As) sab(Sb) Bhikari(Bi)
- Nana(N) patekar(P) Aishwarya (As) sab(Sb) Bimaar(Bi)
(iv) Group 16{ O to Po } O, S, Se, Te, Po
- Or(O) shi(S) se(Se) tepo(Te ,Po)
- Old(O) style(S) se(Se) tepo(Te ,Po)
- Oss(O ,S) se(Se) tepo(Te ,Po)
(v) Group 17{ F to At } F, Cl, Br, I, At
- Fast(F) chale(Cl) brain(Br) indians(I) ka alltime(At)
- First(F) class(Cl) brothers(Br) in(I) atomic(At) university
- Fulo(F) me kaliyo(Cl) me bharoo(Br) me ayi(I) aunty(At)
(vi) Group 18{ He to Rn } He, Ne, Ar, Kr, Xe, Rn
- Hema(He) ne(Ne) angoor(Ar) khareede(Kr) Xenon (Xe) roone(Rn) lge
- Heena(He) Neena(Ne) aur(Ar) katreena(Kr) ke X-RAY(Xe) rangeen(Rn)
- Heena(He) Neena(Ne) aur(Ar) katreena(Kr) sexy(Xe) rehna(Rn)
3. d-Block Elements
(i) First transition series { Sc to Zn } Sc ,Ti ,V ,Cr , Mn , Fe ,Co , Ni , Cu , Zn
- Science(Sc) teacher(Ti) very(V) cruel(Cr) mange(Mn) Fair(Fe) copy(Co) Nickil(Ni) copper(Cu) Zinc(Zn)
- Sachin(Sc) Tendulkar(Ti) very(V) crazy(Cr) man(Mn) Feco(Fe ,Co) Nai(Ni) cuzn(Cu ,Zn)
- Still(Sc) trying(Ti) various(V) creative(Cr) method(Mn) For(Fe) controling(Co) Naughty(Ni) children(Cu) Zinc(Zn)
(ii)Second transition series{Y to Cd } Y ,Zr ,Nb ,Mo ,Tc ,Ru ,Rh ,Pd ,Ag ,Cd
- ye(Y) zara(Zr) nai(Nb) modern(Mo) technology(Tc) ruk(Ru) rahi(Rh) par(Pd) aaghe(Ag)….Cdma(Cd)
- ye(Y) zebra(Zr) niid(Nb) mein(Mo) tha(Tc) ruka(Ru) rood(Rh) par(Pd) aaghe(Ag) cobra(Cd)
- ye(Y) zarrori(Zr) nahi(Nb) mohbbat(Mo) teri(Tc) rulati(Ru) rahe(Rh) pandit(Pd) agar(Ag) kehde(Cd)
(iii)Third transition series{ La to Hg } La ,Hf ,Ta ,W ,Re ,Os ,Ir ,Pt ,Au ,Hg
- La(La) Hafta(Hf ,Ta) wo(W) ree(Re) Oss(Os) idhar(Ir) phata(Pt) Udhar(Au) hta(Hg)
- La(La) Hafta(Hf ,Ta) warna(W) ree(Re) Odhar(Os) idhar(Ir) pitaai(Pt) aur(Au) hogi(Hg)
(iv)Fourth transition series{Ac to Rg} Ac ,Rf ,Db ,Sg ,Bh ,Hs ,Mt ,Ds ,Rg
- Akele(Ac) RD(Rf ,Db) Sharma(Sg) ki Book(Bh) mein Hai(Hs) maths(Mt) ke difficult(Ds) rare(Rg) sawal.
4. f-Block Elements
(i) Lanthanoids {Ce to Lu} Ce ,Pr ,Nd ,Pm ,Sm ,Eu ,Gd ,Tb ,Dy ,Ho ,Er ,Tm ,Yb ,Lu
- cene(Ce) par(Pr) nadiyaan(Nd) prem(Pm) ki samayeen(Sm) eu(Eu) gd-gd(Gd) tabdeel(Tb ,Dy) hua(Ho) aasman yaar(Er) tum(Tm) yuhi(Yb) lajwaab(Lu) ho.
- sita(Ce) prassad(Pr) nadi(Nd) prem(Pm) se(Sm) usme(Eu) gyi(Gd) tab(Tb) dhyaan(Dy) hua(Ho) are(Er) tum(Tm) yar(Yb) lutere(Lu) ho.
(ii) Actinoids{Th to Lr } Th ,Pa ,U ,Np ,Pu ,Am ,Cm ,Bk ,Cf ,Es ,Fm ,Md ,No ,Lr
- thode(Th) pahalwaan(Pa) Eu(U) niptenge(Np) purane(Pu) aam(Am) kam(Cm) bikenge(Bk) California(Cf) mein Einstein(Es) famous(Fm) mare(Md) nabaad(No) Lara(Lr).
- tange(Th) par(Pa) unpar(U) nazar(Np) padi(Pu) aasmaan(Am) chamka(Cm) bijli(Bk) Chamki(Cf) ehsaan(Es) framosh(Fm ,Md) nikli(No) Larki(Lr).
If you’ve more such rhymes or any other query or suggestions to improve please write to us in the comment section.😊