Gratitude is a choice. So choose wisely. Surely there are so many things we can be grateful for in this life. We can never really count the blessings the Almighty has sent our way. So stop complaining and feeling miserable. Rise above it and see life through a different lens.
Being grateful is not just an act of saying Allhamdulliha. Being grateful is an attitude. It's a lifestyle. It's a way of thinking. You're constantly grateful.
Life is too precious to waste time on negativity. Good or bad comes your way keep thanking Allah swt keep your tongue busy saying Alhamdulillah. "Life is too precious"
True💪🙌we need to stop complaining and just always appreciate everyone and everything that's happens to our life .Been optimistic is the best we can do ,the more we focus on complaining we will never grow . All we need to do is look at ALMIGHTY.